Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Importance of Organ Donating

Speaking from my own experience, it is not easy to make a decision to donate a loved one’s organs, however, my sisters and I knew that our mother wanted to be an anatomical donor. She had filled out an advance directive stating that upon her passing, she wanted to donate any viable organs for transplant purposes. We donated her eyes, and now someone out in this wonderful world we live in has her eyes. This person can now see the beauty around them, maybe even their grandchildren for the first time. We made the decision to give this wonderful gift of renewed life and we agree that this was the right thing to do. We are thankful everyday that someone has our mother’s eyes and now has the gift of sight. There is one important fact that every person in this world can agree on: At some point in our lives, we are all going to face the reality of death. Death is imminent to everyone, and the prospect of death is generally very tragic for most people. It is the unknown that can instill the fear of dying in a person or a family. Tragic accidents and terminal diseases are often the source of many deaths, and invariably in those instances we are unable to control the inevitable outcome, which is death. However, in the course of life and death, we have the ability to control certain situations. We have the ability to control the outcome of someone else’s life. This person may be a stranger or a family member, but we can give them a very precious gift. We have a choice. We can offer the greatest gift we can give, the gift of life to another person through organ donation. Life is spared for many people through organ donation. Organ donation is truly a gift that saves hundreds of lives each day. However, even greater than the number of lives saved is the number of deaths that occur each day as people on an organ transplant waiting list continue to wait. Organ donation and transplants must become a reality and readily available to all people in need of transplants. According to the Mayo Clinic, in ancient mythology and the bible, heart transplants are referenced a number of times. Additionally, at the beginning of the 20th century Alex Carrel became a pioneer in making organ transplants a realistic possibility. Estimates reveal that in New York City alone, there are maybe three-hundred fifty people who are organ donors, however, there are at least 7,000 people in this city who are currently awaiting organ transplants. One single organ donor has the ability to save up to eight lives by donating their heart, lungs, liver, kidney, pancreas, and intestines. There are no restrictions on who can become an anatomical donor. (NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases) According to the information found on the web site organdonation. om, family consent is required for organ donation. Requesting people to become anatomical donors is never easy, especially when they are faced with the loss of a loved one, or their own imminent demise. First, consider the wishes of a loved one. Secondly, remember you are giving the gift of life to someone. Organ transplanting and organ donating can and has saved many lives. Dr. Dan Fischer writes in his article titled, â€Å"The Gift of Organ Donation† how becoming an anatomical donor will bestow the distinction of giving a lifesaving gift to a person who needs a healthy organ. This is an opportunity for everyone to give the gift of life to another human being during our lives or after we have passed. I agree with Dr. Fischer that we desperately need organ donors in this country, and everyone should consider themselves a potential donor. (Fischer) Statistics on organ donor’s . html show that well over tens of thousands of people are on waiting lists each year for transplants. Approximately 10-20% of these people will die before they can receive a viable organ that is a match for them. There are many factors to consider when looking at current problems associated with the lack of organ donation and transplants. One of great importance is demographics. Many people in the Eastern portion of the United States do not believe in organ donation for a variety of reasons. For some it is cultural, for others it is religion. Many people are just not comfortable with donating their organs or a loved one’s organs after they have passed on. One possibility may be just the fact that being an organ donor has never been brought to their attention. One way to become an organ donor is to request to be an anatomical donor on your driver’s license or state issued identification. This will show as a restriction and alert medical personnel as to your request. People can also state in their advance directives that they wish to be organ donors. When someone who has died, and has previously given permission for their organs to be donated to another human being, they are giving a gift so precious it cannot be measured by dollars, only by love. For people who cannot survive without a transplant, a donated organ can give them back their lives.

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