Monday, September 30, 2019

Choosing a Secondary Storage Essay

Introduction Nowadays, data is the lifeblood for today’s digital organization. The integrity, availability and the protection of the date are vital to a business productivity and successfulness, therefore storage solutions are still the priority in IT budgets. G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd currently is facing a storage problem. Their storage system performance’s bottlenecks having a serious impact on their business productivity. The sluggish primary storage performance and maintenance issue were slowing down the company’s response to customer request which affecting the overall business productivity. Besides, their backup solution was becoming difficult to effectively protect date within ever shrinking back up window. Thus G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd now needed to search for a secondary storage which can solve all the problems. They require a storage that can optimize storage response time, ensure disaster recovery, implement a highly solution and the most important is to ensure a better access to customer date and protect more than 100TB of data without adding heavy cost and complex management. The era of data and information clearly shows that there is a rising demand for more storage. There are a numbers of options available in the market. The most prevalent would be direct-attached storage (DAS), network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area network (SAN). There is no one is the best for everyone. It is important to focus on the specific needs and the business goals of the organization. Therefore, there are several factors to consider which include capacity, performance, reliability, data protection and budget concerns. We will look into that in more detail later. Many people will argue that SAN are more powerful that NAS, but for G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd, I suggest that the Network Attached Storage (NAS) would be the most suitable storage solution to solve their storage problems. The factors that affecting of choose a secondary storage will be discussed in the next section. NAS is a data storage systems with a specialized hardware and software attached to a network. NAS products is an information data storage server, they have converged to serve all in one servers for date based applications. A NAS is to provide storage and access to data. Picture 1.1 show the Network-attached storage. 2.0 Factors affecting of choosing a secondary storage A storage solution can be defined as a hardware whose main function is to store and sharing data or information. There are many types of storage with many different functions. The storage for business usually is in the form of servers. To choose a right storage for your business, there are several factors that need to be considering when choosing storage which include reliability, capacity and scalability, the budget concern. Capacity The first factor that need to taken into consideration when choosing storage is the capacity of the storage. It is very important that we should very clear that what is the size and scope of the data that you want to store and what capacity is needed to store it? The firm should choose the storage which suitable for the organization or business purpose and functions. The firm should also consider the types of data to store and the frequency of access the data when choosing a storage. NAS systems can provide many terabytes of storage in high density. G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd is a consulting firm which provides services in finance and business strategy to leading law firms and government agencies. They have a lot of date that need to store and share with customer which some of it might sensitive. Therefore it is suggested that they should choose a file-level storage. A NAS device is a single storage unit best suited for file-level storage connected directly to network. NAS often configures especially for file- sharing. Performance & Speed Different storage will have different return rate of speeds for data. If the date store is monthly use, means that you no need the fastest storage; if the date store will be use very frequently, is better to choose the fast performance storage. Knowing this can help you save in cost. A business normally will look for a better file access speed. G&J Consultation might need a fast performance storage since they are providing consultant services to customers which the date stored might be use frequently and need to response to customers very quickly. Transfer speed over the network is the primary indicator of a NAS because it uses file-level protocol when uploading or downloading large files. NAS can provide performance benefits. For example, NAS can take over the work of serving the email data, freeing resources on the email server for email-specific processes. Scalability Scalability is important in terms of both computing power and storage capacity. The performance and capacity should scale independently of one another. Scalability is important because the ability of the storage would need to be expanded in future in order to cope with increased use. NAS is a suitable storage which suggested for G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd because it is easy to set up and easy to use, even a non IT based staff can manage the NAS. Reliability Reliability of storage also is one of the factors which is very important and need to be concerned. Reliability is important because the loss of data and downtime can lead to loss in revenue and threaten the survival of the business. In today’s world, most of the people demand a highly reliability, shared storage device that is accessible to multiple network devices. NAS is the newer version of storage after DAS (data-attached storage), it use of highest-performing drives with premium components that been qualified to extreme premium environment. NAS is suitable for G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd since it produce the most reliable and highest-performance data storage solution. NAS is same reliable with normal server. From the storage functional system, concepts are equally. They both can act as server. Even lower end NAS systems have the high reliability features such as RAID and hot swappable drives and components. Cost or budget concern Usually is the main concern of an organization to purchase a certain products or services. Cost in here not only means the equipment cost, but management and maintenance cost as well. Management and maintenance cost at here meaning that the cost to maintain the storage, the cost to hire the IT consultant to give training on the ways to use the storage and so on. G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd is having a storage problem and they want to buy a suitable storage which can help them solve the problem they are facing currently without adding heavy cost for their business. Here, it is suggested to the firm that network-attached storage (NAS) would be a suitable storage solution which is less expensive if compare to others. The management and maintenance cost is lower also because NAS is easy to set up and easy to use. Security The firms have a lot of date and some of the data might be sensitive which relate to legal need to be store and share between customers, thus data protection can be one of the factors that need to be taking into consideration also. NAS provides data protection benefits in data protection plan and provide redundant storage for sensitive data. Every NAS appliance includes user security to allow or restrict file access based on username and passwords. Management Management here means the administrator who in charge of the storage solution. He need to be aware of the challenges that might be arise for the solution and consider what are the monitoring tools are available to monitor performance and warn for the possible failures. The storage should not be too complex to manage in order to save the cost of management and maintenance. 3.0 Advantages of seeking a higher performing storage A secondary storage device for computers are not only for storing back up files, they also allow computers users to expand their ability to transfer a large amounts of data from one computer to another. For G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd, as I mention earlier, the suggested storage that most suitable if the Network Attached Storage (NAS). There are several advantages of seeking a higher performing storage which suggested here. Mass Storage The capacity of the secondary storage is very high that allow us to store a large amount of data. We can store the data into the secondary storage in the form of gigabyte and terabytes. In that case, we can back up the all data easily and need not worry for losing data. Usually an organization will have plenty of data that need to be stored to support the business operations. For this, the primary storage would not be able to do it. NAS provide an efficient of sharing a large individual files among individual users. NAS can store and manage the data up to terabytes level. Besides, NAS allowed us to add more storage without shutting down the network. Reliability & Security It is considered safe that storing data into the secondary storage. The data can be store in the secondary storage which is the NAS in permanent form. Therefore the firm no needs to worry of loss of data or lack of data even after many years later. NAS provide data protection benefits so that it is safe to store the sensitive data. This is one of the advantages by choosing NAS because G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd is handle highly sensitive data. The data stored on live database server will be stored to NAS in the same time so that the data will exist even if the database server faced physical failure. Performance The computer could have a better performance with adding a secondary storage. This can help users to increase the speed of storing data, access data or transferring data which indirectly increase the productivity of the firm. With a secondary storage, the computer of the organization can fully operate effectively. Performance of serving files can be increase by a NAS because NAS included file-system storage. NAS is a system used for storing files in a central location, accessible through a network, so that other computer systems can store and retrieve the data files. Comfort The date store in the secondary storage can be accessed easily and immediately. The data can share with others such as customers very easily and convenient. This can increase the productivity of the organization and contribute to gain profit for the organization. NAS is a server which has the dual function of application serving and files sharing and provides a lot of flexibility in data access by virtue of being independently. The utility rate of NAS is high because the storage is shared across multiple servers. Multiple NAS systems or devices can be manage by a central and then it can conserving the time and resources, Economic The cost of a secondary storage is cheaper than adding the memory of the computer. For G&J Consultation Sdn Bhd, NAS is suggested to them as their secondary storage rather than a SAN. SAN requires the purchase of a Fibre Channel which is very expensive; NAS requires a standard Ethernet NIC which is much cheaper. This indirectly reduces the cost for storage devices. Furthermore, SAN is very hard to understand, it will cause the management and the maintenance cost increase; however NAS is easy to understand and easy to maintain, indirectly reduces the cost of management and maintenance for the firm. NAS is a simple and cost-effective way to achieve fast data access for multiple clients at the file level. 4.0 Disadvantages of seeking a higher performing storage There is nothing perfect in this world; there is no any storage which is the best. A secondary storage has several advantages and of course has several of disadvantages. Over Whelmed NAS can be used by many computers on a network. When everyone is trying to access the device at the same time, it might lead to overwhelmed. This could happen because of the limitation of network bandwidth, and the processing power within the device. When there is a large amount of users simultaneously access data, it will create the bottlenecks on the local area network and server. Besides, NAS device could become a single point of failure. To solve this issue, those important files across multiple units should be distribute, schedule and run regular remote backup routines. Financial Budget concern Getting a higher performance of storage, in other words that is one of the expenses cost for the Organization. No matter how valuable is the storage, it still will affect the financial budgeting for the organization for short term. The organization needs to allocate fund for the storage equipment cost, and also for the maintenance and management cost of the storage. This is just a very short term disadvantages because advantages of the secondary storage will contributes profits to the organization and then can cover the cost of getting the storage. Time consuming The staffs of the organization might need times to understand and make use of the secondary storage. The administrator would first study and understand in detail for the storage then he might need to give training to the staffs in order for them to know how to operate and maximize the usage of the storage. This is important because if the secondary storage not fully utilize by the organization would be wastage for the organization. However this might take some times to completely educate everyone in the organization to fully utilize the storage and it is hard to ensure whether the storage has been fully utilized. There will be a wastage and loss of money for the organization if the users of the organization not able to use the storage. That is no point of spending an amount of money for the organization to buying a powerful product but no one can fully utilize it. Backup challenge We can back up the data by NAS but because NAS is file-level storage, which means transferring data and storing data is by file-level. If users have millions of small files, it could be a problem to back up the data because NAS will store the data by file name. NAS cannot do image-level backup and cannot serve raw device. Besides, NAS is difficult to backup the data to tape. Large block of data A NAS is not able to move a large block of data which is important for bandwidth-intensive applications such as imaging, database or transaction processing. NAS does not offer fast data transfer while reducing input/output latency or server workloads. NAS also not provide high volume transaction processing especially the companies that conduct business on the web. Same with the backup issues, if the user has millions of small file that want to store or share to another, NAS is not an option to do that. The only way to solve this without adding budget to seeking for the other storage is adding the capacity of the NAS, since the scalability of NAS is high but of course it has its limit. 5.0 Conclusion Digital assets will only continue to growth rapidly in the future. It is important to choose the right storage and to implement technologies that based on the industry standard which can minimize the interoperability concerns and provides long term investment protection for the organization.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Always Running Chapter Essay

Summary: Luis describes his life as part of the gang, saying that he and his friends are in a vacant lot they had claimed as their own, furnished with old sofas and covered by plastic to keep off at least some of the rain when an old car comes by. Two of the group go to the street to get a better look and one, Clavo, is shot in the face. Clavo loses an eye in the shooting. Luis and Rano do many jobs, ranging from cleaning houses, lawns, pools and garages to paper routes. They give all the money to their mother and Luis notes that there is always a need to for more. As a teenager and after Clavo leaves the neighborhood, Luis becomes friends with a young man named Claudio Ponce, known as Yuk Yuk because of his distinctive laugh. It’s Yuk Yuk who introduces Luis to stealing. With Yuk Yuk leading, meet a man named Jandro Mares, who has the teens steal specific cars on order, drive them back to Jandro’s garage and strip them down. They also steal bikes, jewelry, electronics and other items for a man named Shed Cowager who pays cash for almost anything they can steal. They soon graduate to residential burglary and robbing convenience stores. There is race trouble at the beginning of every school year. During one incident, the police arrive to break up a fight, the whites leave without a problem and the Mexicans arrested or expelled. Luis’s mother is finally fed up with pulling him out of jail and watching him in trouble, and kicks him out of the house. Luis suffers a hernia and has to have surgery. Luis describes, in great detail, the effects of a high from â€Å"sniffing† intoxicants including various sprays and gas. Luis begins dating Wilo’s younger sister, Payasa. Soon after he breaks up with her, she is admitted to a rehabilitation center for additions. Later, Wilo and Payasa leave the Barrior for what they hope is a better life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Description of the Attributes a Presidential Candidate Should Have Essay Example for Free

A Description of the Attributes a Presidential Candidate Should Have Essay ? The American President represents much more than an institution. To people around the world he is representative of their hopes and fears for the future and is the focus of intense feelings and emotions. The voting process represents an extremely significant period in American politics where US citizens vote for their President. Their votes are reflective not only of the candidate they like and respect the most, but are also an indication of the person that they predict will be the most effective once in office. Despite this, their decisions are based on the candidate’s performance prior to, and during, the election process. This performance that may not necessarily be a good indication of their actual ability to run the country; the qualities needed to become a President are very different from those required to be a successful President once in office. This paper will address the attributes that are commonly cited as being necessary for someone to become a President and will dispute a number of these, offering the opinion that they are not necessarily the correct basis on which judgments should be made. The skills and methods by which an elective may become a President are explored and will be compared to those that are actually required and valued once in office. In the United States the absence of a monarchy entails that the President often becomes the object for nationalistic or monarchical type sentiments that people in countries like England would direct at their Queen. The President is undoubtedly the most important figure in the US and holds several roles including Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, Head of the National Party and Chief Legislator. However, like the Queen in England, his supreme court have opposing powers to him and thus limit his ability to carry out some of his roles. Many people recognize one of the most important attributes for a Presidential candidate to be is a good, strong decision maker with a clear vision and direction. Candidates often use the election process to discuss problems that are evident in the way in which the country is currently being run and make willful claims as to how they would do things differently. They swear that they will have the backbone to take decisions that Presidents before them have failed to take. These type of statements appeal to the American public as they provide hope for a better future and an expectation that things will change for the better. The truth, however, is very different. Congressmen have their own electorate, interest groups and opinions on how the country should be run. The President is actually very limited in his ability to command congress to do anything and thus, the implementation of his decisions is actually a very difficult thing to achieve. What is, perhaps, more important than an ability to make decisions is an ability to persuade and influence others. If you ask people if they would vote for someone who uses strong powers of persuasion to sway their vote they would probably say no, they would prefer to vote for some who have a strong direction and vision. They wouldn’t like to feel that clever vocabulary or some type of sales approach has influenced them. No, they prefer to consider themselves people who have made a good decision based on the facts. The truth, however, that they probably were persuaded and swayed during part of the election process. This is not such a bad thing. The ability to persuade others is crucial to a successful President as he needs to be capable, through whatever means necessary, to convince others to carry out the decisions he makes. It is therefore clear that, whilst a clear vision and direction is important, what is more important both in gaining the role and completing it successfully is an ability to persuade and influence. The person who manages to influence others will do the better job, once in power it will help him get things done and in becoming President it will help him win. A further attribute that the American public will look for when selecting a Presidential candidate is a consistency of purpose. People want a President who will have courage to commit to their course of action and achieve the plans they lay out during the electoral process. However, again this may not be an attribute that delivers success once a candidate is in power and we often see very different expectations of the President. President George Bush can be cited as a prime example of this. George Bush was clear and strong in his plan to rid Iraq of Saddam Hussain, so much so that he took the United States to war. However, he later faced a great deal of criticism for his actions and many camps argue that he should have admitted he was wrong and should withdraw US troops from the US. His commitment to action was no longer valued. This paper is not intended to debate this point and pass judgment on George Bush’s actions but is using this example to show that the attributes that people may look for when selecting a President; consistency and relentless purpose may not always be what they expect once they are in power. An attribute that features heavily in people’s decision when selecting a President is realism, they like a family man whose values and emotions may seem to reflect their own. They want to feel that their President, as much as possible, has the same feelings and fears that they do and will thus act in a way that is in their interests. Whether appropriate or not, the past and present personal life of a Presidential candidate features heavily during the election process and people look for someone who has lived their life in a good and true manner. Whilst such attributes provide an indication of a person’s character and may be seen to represent the way in which they will behave once they are in power, they are not necessarily what people look for once their President are in power. They are more concerned with a person’s ability to cut themselves off emotionally from any decisions they make, distancing themselves from a situation in order to look at a bigger picture. The phrase â€Å"don’t mix business with pleasure† could not be more appropriate for a President in power. Once in the Whitehouse people consider the figurehead to be an American institution; he works for them. Personal life is no longer to be considered to be of relevance and, in many respects; they do not wish a President to show feelings as these can be construed as a weakness. Other commonly cited attributes that people discuss when they are asked what they look for in a President include honesty, integrity, leadership and intelligence. These types of attributes entail that the opinions people form of candidates prior to their election, and thus the benchmark against which they are judged once they are elected, can never be met; they are all extremely subjective values. A candidate who is elected as a new President, a replacement for the incumbent, will always be heralded as the next big thing. The nation will feel strong hope for the future of America and will truly believe that things will change for the better. However, the likelihood is that these expectations can never really be met. Time will change the position that the President occupies in people’s minds; what people perceive as good leadership now will almost certainly change over the course of the four years between elections. As such, these attributes cannot accurately be used as representations of how well a candidate will perform once in office. This paper has addressed a number of the common attributes that people cite as important within a Presidential candidate. Through exploring the difference between winning an election and actually running a country, the flawed nature of the factors upon which many votes are cast is revealed. Whilst people recognize they are voting for someone who will run their country, they rarely seem to consider the attributes that will be valued in this role, instead focusing on those required to get there. Fighting a Presidential campaign is very different from being a President. Along these lines more emphasis should be placed on attributes such as attention to military threats and needs, the economy and American interests, both at home and abroad. A Description of the Attributes a Presidential Candidate Should Have. (2016, Nov 01).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Global Trade issues of Boeing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Trade issues of Boeing - Essay Example In fact, the company’s stock is part of Dow Jones Industrial Average. Absolute and Comparative Advantage A company is said to have an absolute advantage when it is capable of producing a specific good or service at a lower cost per unit compared to other companies in the same industry (Newquist 2010). It also pertains to the ability to produce a good or service more efficiently than other companies in the same industry. On the other hand, a company is said to have a comparative advantage when it has the ability to produce a particular product more efficiently than any other product (Newquist 2010). As earlier stated, Boeing is currently the leading exporter and manufacturer of airplane in the U.S. This is attributed to the absolute advantage it has acquired through the idea of the economy of scope. Report indicates that Boeing is the only aircraft manufacturer that has implemented the economy of scope making it possible for Boeing to produce two different products in two diffe rent markets at a relatively lower cost than two different firms do (White 2010). This has given Boeing an absolute advantage over other firms in the same industry. This is evident from the fact that Boeing manufactures both commercial and military aircrafts that sell in different markets (Rankin 2008, p.6). According to Benkard (2000, p.1035), all the competitors of Boeing competitor do not use this idea. Boeing also has a comparative advantage in its manufacturing processes. The company is regarded as the best manufacturer of military and commercial aircrafts in the U.S. The company has demonstrated these through quality airplanes it has manufactured for many years now (Benkard 2000, p.1035). Restrictions of trade Newquist (2010) reveals that Boeing is among the leading exporters of commercial and military aircrafts. Despite having enjoyed free trade with many countries that the U.S. trades with, the company has also faced a myriad of trade challenges. One such was witnessed when China imposed trade restriction on Taiwan, which placed Boeing at an awkward position (Bloomberg 2010). It is reported that China forced Boeing to comply by its trade restrictions or risk losing its U.S. arms contract in case it went ahead to sell its military arms to Taiwan that was then at a political dispute with China. China also went ahead to threaten Boeing of cancelation of its lucrative contract and expulsion out of China in case of noncompliance with trade restrictions imposed on it (Naele 2009, p.44). Marketing Marketing of Boeing products is normally done through segmentation. However, since traffic and economic growth rates vary from one region to another, Boeing segments its market geographically. For example, Boeing has focused most of its marketing efforts in Europe and North America regions because of their mature economies. As such, Boeing believes that these regions have a great potential of continuing to buy most of its airplanes (Golich 1992, p.899). In fact, the ability of the company to segment its market geographically gives it the opportunity to ascertain the demand of each segment. For example, Boeing can easily forecast the demand of Europe and North America due to their mature economies. This is due to the high number of air travelers in these regions (Golich 1992, p.899). Strategic Issues Boeing operation and reputation was recently affected due to what can be described as a strategic problem. The company has continually delayed the delivery of Boeing

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discussion 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion 4 - Assignment Example In essence, the statement could be saying that the facts and realities of inductive arguments are not as important as those of deductive arguments but this could not be entirely true. Once the latter is accepted as true, it would mean that inductive arguments do not have the merit of being taken seriously. The fact that the premises of all arguments are linked with its conclusion in establishing the true in an argument is a very important analogy. This is because the conclusion of any given statement is as important as the premises. Under no circumstance should it be acceptable that the truth of a statement be judged merely based on the conclusion of the statement. The reason for this argument is that if that happens, the need to follow the logical arguments and reasoning in the structure of any given statement or argument will not be necessary and for that matter, it will be unnecessary to pay attention to statements till they get to their ends. The comment made in the paragraph above applies both in the situation of both deductive and inductive arguments. In effect, inductive and deductive arguments could both be said to have a very strong merit based on the relation made between the premises and the conclusion (Michigan State University, 2012). Furthermore, it would be emphasized that the from the last comment, the basis of as to whether an argument is inductive or deductive may not be as relevant as whether or not the substance of the argument could be trusted as the truth. In essence, inductive and deductive could both be trusted or mistrusted depending on the facts or ideologies that the arguments carry. This means that listeners should not be complecent in their judgments of the meanings that statements and arguments carry unless of course they have weighed all sides of the arguments and untaken background checks to verify the authenticity of the arguments. The final comment will be an example

Letter to the editor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Letter to the editor - Essay Example Although police officers require sophisticated weapons and equipment there should be a limit on the type of arms that police officers should carry. The main reason why the country has both the police and the army is that the two forces have different responsibilities and training. Soldiers are trained to defend the country by eliminating the enemy through all possible means (Franceschi-Bicchierai web). On the other hand, police officers are expected to maintain law and order through sustainable public relations. The differences in duties of police and military officers indicate that the two officials require different equipments. Acquisition of military equipments indicates that police officers have neglected their duties or the police departments have misplaced priorities. Fighting crime is a significant duty of the police officers. However, the role prevents the police officers from concentrating on other duties that are critical to the public. For instance, a police officer is expected to ensure that people conduct their businesses without hindrance. Acquisition of heavy weapons indicates that police officers are more concerned with criminals than with the citizens. I think that the police departments would have considered acquiring more ambulances and fire fighting equipment instead of the military equipment. Through the acquisition of such equipments, the police department would show that its operations are of public interest. The other aspect demonstrated by the move, is the level of crime within different cities across the United States. In the last decade, crime level increased by 10% across major US cities. Armed robbery and drug trafficking are among the common crimes. According to the criminologist theorists, criminals respond according to the authority. This indicates that the move taken by police departments would have a similar response from the criminals. Criminals are likely to acquire

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The analysis of social and environmental sustainability against Essay

The analysis of social and environmental sustainability against financial sustainability - Essay Example This paper is focused on how the social and environmental sustainability differ from the financial sustainability and its impact on the way a company operates. It covers the challenges faced by the corporate firms to resolve the differences and the future implications of the reconciliation. The paper covers the details of the topic of discussion with real life example of corporate firms and it also discusses the theoretical framework in which the models of sustainability are based on. The social and environmental sustainability is to ensure that the society and its environment are not being affected by the business operations of the organizations. In order to achieve social and environmental sustainability, the company needs to make sure that all of its operations are following the required environmental standards and are adding value for the society. According to the reports of Colantonio (2009), there should be equal priority given to the social, environmental and economic sustainability. It has been mentioned that the social sustainability is one of the emerging issues of the contemporary business environment. With the increase in competitiveness in the business market along with the rise in population and decreasing natural resources, it has become imperative for the organizations to deal with certain sociological issues. Widok (2009) have mentioned that apart from the social and environmental sustainability challenges faced by the firms, they also face chall enges on the grounds of reporting on sustainability. It has been mentioned in his studies that reporting on sustainability activities has always been superficial in nature. Even though several organizations report that they conform to the standardized norms of the globally accepted sustainability practices, but the lack of detailed reporting has made them more lenient in its implementation. Moreover,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

History Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

History Questions - Assignment Example S. and Soviet Union. A rapprochement would have worked better by using confidence-building measures like better communications but instead he started new proxy wars in Laos and Vietnam (Freedman 285). An optimism engendered by liberalism produced a backlash in terms of conservative anger in the form of McCarthyism in which there was a massive witch hunt of the suspected communists and their supposed sympathizers. People saw the excesses of liberalism and had wanted to go back to conservative values like family relationships. People thought America was infiltrated by communists everywhere: in government, academe and Hollywood. The culture wars produced the so-called â€Å"generation gap† between the youth and the older generations, especially their parents and elders (ONeill 5). Focal point in society where the youth were molded shifted from the high schools to colleges and universities. The country was engulfed in the youth repudiating their status and value systems while an older generation saw these trends as a threat to their lives. A few critics of the counter-culture resorted to using censorship and other controls to re-impose cherished values and social norms. Music became a medium for political messages (jazz, rap, slam poetry,); politicians now faced

Sunday, September 22, 2019

About animal extinction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

About animal extinction - Research Paper Example Presently, most of the species that are endangered such as the Black Rhino and the South China Tiger can blame the humans for their situation (World Wildlife Fund). This is because climate change, which has been affecting most species, was caused by humans. Currently, the planet is at the stage of mass extinction where many species are dying off. According to scientists, the planet is currently losing the largest number of species since the time of the dinosaurs, which is 65 years ago. In addition, between 30 and 50 species might become extinct by mid-century (The Extinction Crisis). When taking the issue of extinction into consideration, the dying-off of one species leads to other species also becoming extinct. This is because of the ecosystem balance, which changes when a certain species is wiped out of the system as species depend on each other for survival. Therefore, extinction of one species leads to another’s extinction. Generally, when a species cannot survive in its original inhabitant and cannot re-locate or adapt in the conditions of a new environment, it dies off. According to statistical data, the average lifespan of a species is approximately 10 million years (The Extinction Crisis). Extinction may occur suddenly e specially when another species that facilitated its existence becomes extinct or gradually over a long period. This can be referred to as the extinction debt where a species becomes extinct a very long time after an event that put its extinction process in motion. Within the previous 500 years, extinction of approximately 1,000 species has been experienced (The Extinction Crisis). However, this this does not account for the many species that have gone extinct even before scientists and researchers got the chance to fully understand and describe them. Specifically, not even the scientists have the exact figure of species that have gone extinct or those that are endangered. As estimation data

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Berkshire Hathaway Essay Example for Free

Berkshire Hathaway Essay Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate holding company, headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, that oversees and manages a number of subsidiary companies. The company wholly owns Geico, BNSF, Lubrizol, Dairy Queen, Fruit of the Loom, Helzberg Diamonds, FlightSafety International, and Netjets. It also owns half of Heinz and has significant minority holdings in American Express, Coca-Cola Company, Wells Fargo, IBM, and Restaurant Brands International. I have done a lot of research into Berkshire Hathaway and CEO Warren Buffet but have been unable to find a vision or mission statement. If I had to make up a vision statement that suitably fit Berkshire Hathaway it would be the following: â€Å"Berkshire Hathaway strives to be the best-recognized, most highly respected, and most influential conglomerate company in the world.† The mission statement would be: â€Å"To provide top of the line services that significantly increase the growth of the company’s agents and affiliates.† I believe this fits this company perfectly because Berkshire Hathaway is notorious for its ingenious investing and services all thanks to a man named Warren Buffet who started out acquiring businesses. Buffet is one of the world’s wealthiest men and a key influencer in the financial market. He is Forbes’ number 33 most powerful people and ranked among Time Magazine’s most influential people. His company was ranked number 1 in Barron’s 2013 ranking of the world’s 100 most respected companies, number 8 in Fortune Magazine’s 50 most admirable companies survey, number 18 in Harris Interactive’s reputation study of the 60 most visible companies, and Forbes’ fifth largest company in the world. In his 2013 letter to shareholders, Buffet spoke of his joy for working for such a successful company. He noted, â€Å"No CEO has it better; I truly do feel like tap dancing to work every day.† My vision and mission statement align appropriately with what Buffet has done and envisions for Berkshire Hathaway. Stakeholders: Internal- Board Members: Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Walter Scott Jr., Thomas S. Murphy, Howard Graham Buffet, Ronald Olson, Donald Keough, Charlotte Guyman, Bill Gates, Steve Burke, Susan Decker, Susan Decker, and Meryl Witmer. Shareholders: â€Å"We think of our shareholders as owner-partners, and of ourselves as managing partners.† –Warren Buffet Employees: About 302,000 full-time employees. External- Customers: All over the globe, predominantly in North America. Media: Perceive the company in a certain way. Subsidiaries: Geico, BNSF, Lubrizol, Dairy Queen, Fruit of the Loom, Helzberg Diamonds, FlightSafety International, ect. Communities: Omaha, Nebraska and other local communities.  Government: Local and Federal Governments.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Unemployment In Jamaica Cause and Effect

Unemployment In Jamaica Cause and Effect This project is consisting of information on unemployment in Jamaica and what can be done to improve employment. Unemployment is macroeconomics There are different types of unemployment such as frictional unemployment this is a type of voluntary unemployment that arises because of the time needed to match job seekers with job openings, structural unemployment this happens when a large amount of unemployed workers (labor force) isnt qualify for a large amount of labor force demand. seasonal unemployment, this is when persons are employed temporary for reasons such as a hotel or supermarket needing extra help because of a season (Christmas, summer) but will cut loose those workers when that season period is finish and cyclical unemployment this is used to refer to the fluctuation in unemployment that is incurred by business cycles, more specially, the unemployment caused by economic recessions. In this project you will find information on this problem and why it is consider being an ec onomic one, the theories and model pertaining to unemployment, recommend economic concepts and inventions that can be employed to correct unemployment and the benefits of applying these concepts and inventions. What is the economic problem? Unemployment in Jamaica Unemployment Spikes to 14.1% with 23,000 Jobs lost Unemployment is one of the main problems affecting Jamaica. According to Streetdirectory, Unemployment refers to the condition and extent of joblessness within an economy, and is measured in terms of the unemployment rate, which is the number of unemployed workers divided by the total civilian labor force. (Sinha, 2012) According to The Gleaner, published Friday May 18, 2012, Some 23,000 jobs were lost last year after the current survey was done. In January 2012, The Labor force Survey release in May put the unemployment rate at 14.1 per cent compared to last year, which was at 12.9 per cent. The labor force has grown to 177,200 and the latest survey shows that some 9,300 people dropped out of the labor force, cutting the pool from 1.27 million to 1.26 million. The Gleaner also stated that The result for the January 2012 survey, which was conducted over the period December 18-24, estimate that there are 686,900 males and 573,700 women in the labor force. The employed pool totaled 1.08 million, of which was 56.7 per cent or 614,800 are men and 468,600 or 43 per cent are women. The Gleaner also states that, The spike in unemployment is heavily skewed towards females among whom the unemployment rate is 18.3 per cent, while for men it is 10.5 per cent. Sectors with the largest jobs cuts over one year included construction, 10,900 jobs lost, and professionals, senior officials and technician, 10,200 cuts. Statin estimates that the persons seeking work in the January 2012 survey as increased by 4.3 per cent. The effects unemployment has on Jamaica Unemployment affects majority of our Jamaicans especially the inter city areas and in particular the youth of this area. Unemployment creates many problems such as crime and violence, lowering of ones self-esteem, and poverty. Etc. Crime and Violence comes to present because when unemployed person are in need and cannot assist themselves or other, they turn to robbing and killing others to satisfy their needs and wants. The lowering of ones self-esteem may occur when they see another working and being able to assist themselves while he/she cant do the same. This can lead to crime and violence. Poverty is a big issue in today economy and most unemployed person are the one facing this situation. When person cant work and afford things, this lead to financial problems, divorce, children losing their education and health, hunger, fights and more which then can lead to poverty. Why consider unemployment to be an economic problem? 1. Unemployment is an economic problem due to the fact that when the economy is not doing well, businesses begin to lay off workers 2. It affects consumer confidence in terms of consumers that are employed will start to devote their money more in savings than to spend it on unnecessary items because of the fear of them losing their jobs. 3. High unemployment creates pressure on the government budget. High unemployment reduces the total taxation receipts the government receives because people without an income wont be able to pay their income tax. This will then place a drain on the government funds as the unemployed claim the job search allowance. 4. Unemployment reduces the output of goods and service that could otherwise have been produced by unemployed labor force. If unemployment rate is very high, an economy will produce below its potential. Etc Question 2 Economic Theories and model pertaining to this problem Classical economic theory 1. According to the lead authors, Global Development and Environment Institute, Neva R. Goodwin, Julie A. Nelson, Frank Ackerman, Thomas Weisskopf classical economic theory, unemployment is seen as a sign that smooth labor market functioning is being obstructed in some way. The classical approach assumes that markets behave as described by idealized supply-and-demand model. The labor market is seen as though it were a single, static market, characterized by perfect competition, spot transaction, and institutions for double auction bidding (Global Development and Environment, 2006). Resume help for Unemployed Assess the Gap 2. According to Teena Rose, director of resume-writing firm, the best way to address an employment gap depends on how long one has been out of work. She states that if one is unemployed for a year or less, then the best thing to do is to not say anything. This is not necessary to place on resume (Kim Isaacs, 2012). 3. Short Run Phillip Curve The short run Phillips curve shows the inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation rate. According to theory, when there is high unemployment, producers can set lower wages and still attract labor. When unemployment level is low, firms will have to pay high wages in order to attract labor as there wouldnt be much competition between them. This theory contradicts with two of the four main aims of the government low/stable inflation rate and low unemployment level. Question 3 Economic concepts or intervention that can be used to correct unemployment 1. According to Kimberly Amadeo and Guide, the solution for unemployment is obviously to create new jobs. They state that a healthy economic growth rate of 2-3% is enough to create the 150,000 new jobs needed to keep unemployment from rising. (Kimberly Amadeo, 2012) 2. According to Answers, the solution for unemployment can be correct in many ways, such as, a) cutting in real wage, cutting in real wage are a reaction to the view that through their demands for higher wages, some groups of workers have priced themselves out of a job. b) Unemployment agencies could tighten their job search and acceptance requirement. c) Improving the education and training provided to young people, with a greater focus on vocational skills. d) Government support to struggling industries in order to try and save jobs. e) The government needs to try and create demand in economy. This could give grant to businesses to produce goods, have projects such as road building, cut interest rates to encourage spending and cut income tax to encourage spending. f) Countries need to ensure that their welfare systems do not provide disincentives to workers. (Answers, 2012) 3. Phillip curve Its a large believe that unemployment could be solve using the Phillips curve. This involves increasing inflation to reduce unemployment by fooling workers into accepting jobsat at a lower rate than they would otherwise have done, due to the declining value of money. 4. Demand side supplies Monetary policy and fiscal policy can both be used to increase short-term growth in the economy, increasing the demand for labor and decreasing unemployment. The demand for labor in an economy is derived from the demand for goods and services. As such, the demand for labor will increase, increasing employment and wages. 5. Supply side policies Minimum wages and union activity keep wages from falling, which means too many people want to sell their labor at the going price but cannot. Supply-side policies can solve this by making the labor market more flexible. This includes removing the minimum wage and reducing the power of unions, which act as a labor cartel. Other supply side policies include education to make workers more attractive to employers. Cutting taxes on businesses and reducing regulation, creates jobs and reduce unemployment. (curve) Question 4 What are the benefits of applying the economic concept above? 1. Creating new jobs Creating new jobs accommodates employment, growth in GDP, develop infrastructure, help to reduce depts and more. Having a job is essential in living life and retiring at a comfortable age and this is something that all individual looks forward to and without them having a job this may lead to crime and violence. The concept of creating new job will increase employment and decrease unemployment. 2. A. Cut in wage Not cutting the real wage can allow persons to keep their job instead of pricing themselves out. B. Unemployment agencies could tighten their acceptance requirement and job search. Job agencies tightening their acceptance requirement and job search could lead to more persons that are not fully qualified or have the right requirement to have the chance to be employed instead of them being unemployed. C. Improving the education and training provided to young people, with a greater focus on vocational skills. Improving the education and training of young adult will help them to be better equipped for the working world. One way is to train them by actually allowing them to do the work instead of teaching them orally and from them writing. This will help them to better understand and to have gained some experience. D. The government needs to try and create demand in economy. Government creating demand in the economy will also workers to produce more goods and interest rate will be cut which will then produce more spending of consumer. E. Government support to struggling industries in order to try and save jobs. Government supporting struggling industries and trying to save jobs will help in building the economy, reduce unemployment and more. 3. Supply side policies Inputting supply side policies will allow wage and union to not fall to a lower price so a lot of person will be able to sell their labor at a going price. This can make the labor market more flexible by removing the minimum wage and reducing the power of union, which act as a labor cartel. 4. Demand side supplies Monetary policy and fiscal policy can both be used to increase growth in the economy. This can increase the demand for labor and decrease unemployment, the demand for economy is derived from the demand for goods and services so the demand for labor will increase which will increase employment and wages. Recommendation I would strongly recommend that the government of Jamaica try to find new ways to implement strategies that can produce employment in Jamaica because with so many person unemployed, it is affecting the economy and also affecting the citizens. With so many persons being out of job it affects their daily life which leads to disaster such as robbery, crime and violence, lack of education to children and young adult and more. Conclusion It has been concluded that unemployment have a major effect on Jamaica economy. With unemployment rate increasing each year, it affects families, students and others. Unemployment is an economic problem due to the fact that when the economy is not doing well, businesses begin to lay off workers, It affects consumer confidence in terms of consumers that are employed will start to devote their money more in savings than to spend it on unnecessary items because of the fear of them losing their jobs and more.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Otavalo Cultural Integrity and the Forces of Globalization :: Outsourcing, Offshoring, Free Trade

Despite common misconception, indigenous peoples the world over are remarkably free from the cultural immobility and permanence suggested of them by foreign travel brochures and â€Å"imperialist nostalgia† (87). The attitudes, perceptions and behaviors of modern Otavalos shift and grow members of the community travel overseas and sell native textiles and music in international markets. Thus, the concept of â€Å"maintaining cultural identity† must reflect the invigorating and active exchange of social, political and economic realities between people. Adaptability is an element of every human culture around the world. Handsome profits roll into Otavalo accounts through their extensive textile industries, a complex international music scene, and annual floods of tourists for the Otavalo Saturday market. Our politically â€Å"potent tropes† of progressive/backward societies, and modern/primitive cultures are frustrated by the reality of Otavalo wealth. Yet these indigenous Ecuadorian people are no less culturally â€Å"authentic† for their organized adaptability than any other affinity of people (96). Indeed, when indigenous societies do not meet the flowery, exotic ideal of a â€Å"forgotten paradise† exhibiting a quality of â€Å"timelessness,† â€Å"foreigners often react with outrage† (87). Yet from the Inuit of Nunavut, to the Himba of Namibia to the Hawai’ians of Hawai’i, no culture is an object ready for the taking. Culture cannot be â€Å"lost like car keys† (97). Change, however, is not without cost and the question of agency. The consequences of forced cultural subordinance, as demonstrated in by colonial era, are destructive, alienating, and endlessly residual. Cultural sovereignty and political autonomy must be vigorously defended for every people: the right to collectively determine the future of one’s own people is intrinsic to maintaining a cultural identity. Ironically, it is via interaction between people and places that we learn to fully define ourselves by our own culture among the many cultures on this Earth. Only through cultural opposition can we human beings determine who we are and the relevance of our own way of living. In the late 1980s, local civil registrars allowed Otavalo parents to officially enroll their newborns given Quichua, rather than Spanish, names. This liberating gesture of cultural sovereignty revived common names of the indigena and permitted the Otavalo to powerfully reject the mestizaje in an explicit statement of faith in their own identity (234). In another, more complex, affirmation of autonomy, Otavalos maintain â€Å"a chameleonlike ability to meet audience expectations while still identifying as Otavalos† in selling their goods and exotic appeal on the global capitalist market (170).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Warnings in Shakespeares Sonnet 95 Essay -- Sonnet essays

Warnings in Shakespeare's Sonnet 95      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare is the master of subtle humor and sexual puns.   In his "Sonnet 95," a poem to a blond young man, both are seen while pointing out a couple of realities about sexual sin.   He speaks directly to a young man whose physical beauty compensates for his lack of sexual morality.  Ã‚      Shakespeare would like for this young man to realize that his handsomeness is the sole aspect of his person that prevents absolute disapproval of his behavior in other people, and he also wants him to be aware of the ultimate consequences of his actions.   Through a clever use of diction, imagery, and meter in a typical Shakespearian format, Shakespeare warns his young friend of the risks involved with the overindulgence of sexual activity.    In the first quatrain, Shakespeare presents the young man to the readers by contrasting his beauty and his character.   He tells the young man that he renders "shame" (1) "sweet and lovely" (1).   That is, he is much too handsome to be overshadowed by his questionable conduct.   His "shame" may not be a dominant trait, but it does sneak around behind the scenes "like a canker" (2).   A canker is a nasty internal ulceration, or growth; it is a flaw that cannot be seen in an otherwise beautiful object, such as a "fragrant rose" (2).   This flaw in the young man, sexual vice, may "spot" (3), or taint his image later on in his life, as he is still "budding" (3); he is still young, and there is plenty of time for his reputation to be completely damaged by his sexual impropriety.   This young man is indeed beautiful and he is lucky to have such "swee... slyly and jovially slips in the idea that if the young man is careless, he will spend his allowance of energy before his time comes; that is to say, he will become sexually impotent.   This image is brilliantly conjured up with the picture of a dull knife that will cut no more after years of its owner using it as a hatchet.   The simple lightness of his joke is expressed through the simple evenness of the iambic pentameter throughout the couplet, and its straightforwardness adds to the wryness of the humor.    Works Cited Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 95." The Norton Anthology of English Literature.   Eds. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt. Seventh ed. 2 vols. New York: Norton, 2000. 1:1041-42.    Works Consulted Oxford English Dictionary. Eds. James A. H. Murray, et. al.   Oxford, 1961. Warnings in Shakespeare's Sonnet 95 Essay -- Sonnet essays Warnings in Shakespeare's Sonnet 95      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare is the master of subtle humor and sexual puns.   In his "Sonnet 95," a poem to a blond young man, both are seen while pointing out a couple of realities about sexual sin.   He speaks directly to a young man whose physical beauty compensates for his lack of sexual morality.  Ã‚      Shakespeare would like for this young man to realize that his handsomeness is the sole aspect of his person that prevents absolute disapproval of his behavior in other people, and he also wants him to be aware of the ultimate consequences of his actions.   Through a clever use of diction, imagery, and meter in a typical Shakespearian format, Shakespeare warns his young friend of the risks involved with the overindulgence of sexual activity.    In the first quatrain, Shakespeare presents the young man to the readers by contrasting his beauty and his character.   He tells the young man that he renders "shame" (1) "sweet and lovely" (1).   That is, he is much too handsome to be overshadowed by his questionable conduct.   His "shame" may not be a dominant trait, but it does sneak around behind the scenes "like a canker" (2).   A canker is a nasty internal ulceration, or growth; it is a flaw that cannot be seen in an otherwise beautiful object, such as a "fragrant rose" (2).   This flaw in the young man, sexual vice, may "spot" (3), or taint his image later on in his life, as he is still "budding" (3); he is still young, and there is plenty of time for his reputation to be completely damaged by his sexual impropriety.   This young man is indeed beautiful and he is lucky to have such "swee... slyly and jovially slips in the idea that if the young man is careless, he will spend his allowance of energy before his time comes; that is to say, he will become sexually impotent.   This image is brilliantly conjured up with the picture of a dull knife that will cut no more after years of its owner using it as a hatchet.   The simple lightness of his joke is expressed through the simple evenness of the iambic pentameter throughout the couplet, and its straightforwardness adds to the wryness of the humor.    Works Cited Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 95." The Norton Anthology of English Literature.   Eds. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt. Seventh ed. 2 vols. New York: Norton, 2000. 1:1041-42.    Works Consulted Oxford English Dictionary. Eds. James A. H. Murray, et. al.   Oxford, 1961.

Dr. Mengele Essay -- essays research papers

The life story of Josef Mengele is one that is filled many twists and turns that play out like a suspense story with an ending that does not seem to fit what one would expect. The authors of the book Mengele: The Complete Story, Gerald L. Posner and John Ware, wrote this book largely with information taken from diaries and letters of Mengele’s, and interviews with those who knew him. It is a look into the life and times of a man whose nickname was “The Angel of Death.'; Josef’s life and post-mortem fate could be divided into three different chapters. His pre-war life and life during World War II was one of privilege and freedom to satisfy his perverse desire to perform bizarre and mostly useless medical experiments on unwilling participants in Nazi death camps. His post-war life consisted of being constantly on the run; a lonely and depressed fugitive wanted by countries worldwide for the atrocities he committed against Jews, Poles, Gypsies, and others during World War II. His lonely death by drowning, in Brazil, and humiliating post-mortem fate suited the man well. Although this report might seem to follow a chronological order, it is not simply a telling of a life story. It is a look into who Josef Mengele was, and how he changed over the years. The authors underlying main theme, throughout the book, seemed to be to show that Josef Mengele was not who his infamous legend would dictate. It is true that he was a cold and ruthless killer who murdered thousands of innocent people. He earned the nickname “The Angel of Death'; for the way he would remain calm and composed while performing such torturous an act as a live dissection of a human being. He had a sick fascination with twins. He believed that twins held the secret to discovering how to perfect a master race. The following is a description by Vera Alexander, a witness of Mengele’s horrors, of a common experiment Mengele would perform on twins: “One day SS men came and took two children away. They were two of my pets, Tito and Nino. One of them was a hunchback. Two or three days later, an SS man brought them back in a terrible state. They had been cut. The hunchback was sewn to the other child, back to back, their wrists back to back too. There was a terrible smell of gangrene. The cuts were dirty and the children cried every night.';(P.37 par... ...t, he regretted not working harder to exterminate more people than he had. Mengele was presented as who he was. This makes it seem as though there is an unfair amount of negativity presented about him. Other than a few occasions where he showed compassion, such as with his son and cleaning lady, he really did not have many redeeming qualities. Mengele personified hatred, arrogance, and cruelty. Trying to keep a balance between the positive and negative of the man would have been impossible. At the end of his life, Mengele was still the same man he always was. He had been humbled by his life of simplicity, yet the arrogance and bitterness he showed as a young SS doctor were still present. Although Mengele evaded capture and was never brought to trial, it does not mean he was never punished. If Mengele had been put to death, his life would have been over, without any further suffering. Mengele lived, and his life of loneliness, isolation, and alienation from his family and the ones he loved was much more painful than had he been put out of his misery years earlier. With his life a waste, all his aspirations dead, and his spirit weakened, Mengele’s life was his punishment.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Relationships And Communication In A Classroom Education Essay

The schoolroom is comparable to the Broadway phase for so many instructors. It is their topographic point to reflect and stand out in their chosen calling. They both are greeted with an audience, who expect them to execute to the best of their abilities, they are frequently placed under examination but as an perceiver, if we take a measure back, it becomes clear that many factors play a portion in these performing artists shows. Learning is imperative in schoolrooms, it is the instructor ‘s responsibility to guarantee that pupils are larning, nevertheless it is besides of import, that within a schoolroom scene, the instructor besides learns from/ about the pupil. Learning would non take topographic point without communicating in the schoolroom. Often times you hear statements such as â€Å" she knows the content, she merely ca n't learn us † , this is due to a dislocation in communicating between the instructor and their pupils. This dislocation can be a consequence of a hapless teacher-student relationship, which once more affects pupils larning. It is obvious that these three factors are connected with relation to the schoolroom, nevertheless for the intent of this essay, I will discourse each factor separately. I will seek to associate my findings to my capable sphere, Physical Education, and as a consequence, become cognizant of the factors that will act upon acquisition, relationships and c ommunicating in my PE schoolroom. From looking at journal articles, it seems there is rather a positive correlativity between degrees of ego regard and academic accomplishment ( Torres, 1995 ) . Those who are confident and comfy in themselves tend to hold better classs than those enduring with low ego regard. Research has shown that relationships hold an consequence on ego regard. Bowlbey ( 1982 ) identified that pupil ‘s self esteem issues are rooted from place, if a parent-child relationship was secure, caring and supportive, this would hold a positive impact on the young person, therefore increasing their self-pride. Agirdag ( 2012 ) developed this thought farther and identified that pupil ‘s ego regard can increase due to a positive relationship between them and their instructor, taking to an addition in academic public presentation and motive. For this ground, the student-teacher relationship is of the highest importance in schoolrooms. It is critical, as pedagogues that we do our uttermost to better and increase our pupils self esteem as we want each pupil to accomplish their possible. Assorted surveies have looked at what adolescents position as the â€Å" most of import † constituents of self-esteem. They have found that â€Å" physical visual aspect † tops the list, followed by â€Å" societal credence † ( Kutob, 2010 ) . As a preparation physical pedagogue, I feel this is highly of import to our subject and it is an country where we can do a existent impact on pupils. We have the flexibleness within our capable to cater for both constituents, particularly physical visual aspect. As a PE instructor, I will seek to better ego regard and assistance overall pupil development by learning my pupils the healthy manner to do a difference to their visual aspect. Whetestone ( 2007 ) carried out a survey of over 5000 young persons and found that male childs who perceived themselves as either underweight or overweight were significantly associated with self-destructive actions or ideas as were misss who saw themselves as corpulence. Keeping this in hea d, I can present some of my lessons through the course of study theoretical account of â€Å" Health Related Activity † foregrounding the benefits of exercising to them, what is meant by BMI, how to accomplish a healthy BMI etc. I can besides concentrate on nutrition and diet and overall, supply my pupils with the chance and cognition to alter their current behaviors which may be taking to their low ego regard, therefore bettering their ego regard. To heighten my pupil ‘s opinion of societal credence, I will present a strand utilizing the Sport Education course of study theoretical account. This theoretical account will heighten each pupil ‘s engagement within my PE category. Each pupil will be a member of a squad, this will give them with a sense of belonging, assist them develop feelings of individuality, learn that they are of import to their squad and their changeless interaction will better their societal accomplishments. Integrating such theoretical accounts and thoughts into my PE category should ensue in an addition in pupil ‘s ego esteem taking to improved dealingss between the instructor and pupil and besides amongst their equals. Communication within a schoolroom is of import in the overall development of pupils and their acquisition. It is the transportation of information and procedure of making intending for two or more people, it can be carried out through assorted different mediums including face to face, in groups, over the phone etc. ( Regan Morrissey 2012 ) . Within a schoolroom of about 20 five pupils, communicating is cardinal, the instructor must be able to pass on affectively to the category as a whole and besides to each of the pupils as persons. In order for the instructor to retain the categories ‘ attending, they must possess schoolroom direction accomplishments and have the ability to pass on efficaciously to their category utilizing non verbal communicating specifically ( Kyriacou 1997 ) . Non-verbal communicating straight affects a instructor ‘s relationship with their pupils therefore it is really of import for them to be cognizant of the construct of how they can stay an effec tual communicator in a professional mode. Tubbs & A ; Moss ( 2008 ) affirmed that non-verbal communicating can be knowing or unwilled. As an pedagogue, I can implement non-verbal cues in both positive and negative ways in my schoolroom environment. For illustration, with oculus contact, I can scan the schoolroom on a regular footing, oversing the pupil ‘s behavior but besides sing they all feel included in the interaction, therefore maintaining them on undertaking. The opposite can happen if I roll my eyes at a pupil ‘s response, disregarding their efforts, therefore taking to the pupil going disengaged from the lesson. It is of import that I get to cognize my pupils and larn to understand how they are affected by different state of affairss. With pattern, I will larn to maintain an oculus out for pupils non verbal cues as their subconscious actions frequently highlight what they are really experiencing at that clip, be it uncomfortable, embarrassed or otherwise. Student s may be excessively diffident to talk out and allow the instructor know what they are experiencing. This is backed up by research completed by Miller ( 2005 ) who found that gestural signals can besides be used to show feelings that are excessively upseting to province otherwise. In my PE categories, I must be cognizant of the pupils who hate executing presentations in forepart of their equals, they may go really self-aware and bloom, therefore foregrounding their unwilled non-verbal communicating and their undesire to partake in such an activity. The chief precedence in a schoolroom is student larning. Over the last figure of old ages, many course of studies have been farther developed and improved to let for greater pupil larning. Learning in a schoolroom goes beyond a instructor showing information to the pupils and the pupils construing it. Research has shown that non all worlds learn in the same manner. This presents instructors with an obstruction ; they must provide for the demands of each of the scholars in their schoolroom and show the scholars with the necessary information to win, to the best of their ability. Many pupils feel that Physical Education is non of import to their lives ; they do n't bask physical activity, do n't take part in it and do n't believe they of all time will. A batch of them are of the sentiment that PE category is merely a otiose chance to acquire more survey done. I believe the administration and end focal point of the pedagogue has a batch to make with this. We hear of pupil ‘s kicking about PE rather on a regular basis, ‘I ‘m bad at all athleticss so I hate the categories ‘ , nevertheless the course of study has been designed to integrate something for everyone. If the instructor delivers each facet of physical instruction course of study, providing for all types of scholars through usage of the different acquisition schemes, pupils should see great betterments in their PE lessons and thrive on the benefits of holding PE in their lives. To do a cross-curricular comparing, Milner ( 2010 ) conducted a survey and found that through usage of assorted larning schemes, she was able to actuate pupils and convert them of the relevancy of Science to their lives therefore, increasing their acquisition in Science Education. Howard Gardener ( 1983 ) introduced the construct of Seven Multiple Intelligences ( MI ) . He introduced his theory to the instruction sector and argued ; there are seven agencies of intelligence, giving you seven ways to learn, why would you merely utilize one? Gardener believed that instructors should follow the MI theory as a model for presenting their categories. The theory categorised intelligence as ; Logical Mathematical Linguistic Musical Spatial Bodily Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Gardener ‘s theory is going of all time more popular among pedagogues due to the important consequences shown by surveies implementing it all over the universe. Kornhaber ( 2001 ) found instructors responded good to Gardener ‘s beliefs as â€Å" the theory validates pedagogues ‘ mundane experience: pupils think and learn in many different ways. † He believed that Gardener ‘s theory gave instructors a model for organizing their course of study and appraisals, and encouraged contemplation which, in clip, will better run into the demands of the pupils. I agree with Komhaber, as I feel it is really of import for pedagogues to oppugn their work and invariably challenge themselves to broaden their focal point and hence, challenge and help their pupils larning. Undertaking SUMIT ( Schools Using Multiple Intelligences Theory ) was carried out in the US in 1999, where research workers examined the performanceA of 41 schools utilizing MI over a three twelvemonth period. Results reported improved standardized trial tonss, reduced disciplinary misdemeanors, increased parent engagement, and increased ability to work with pupils with larning disablements ( Kornhaber, Fierros, & A ; Veenema, 2004 ) . Similarly, a survey conducted by Schirduan and Case ( 2004 ) , found utilizing MI within a school puting displayed successful consequences. However, this survey focused on pupils with ADHD. The pupils were shown to hold high degrees of intelligence outside of the logical and lingual spheres. In many schools, pupils will non hold the chance to expose their intelligence as there are no installations in topographic point for them to make so. As pedagogues we are perpetrating a societal unfairness to our pupils by non supplying them with the chance of booming in whatever intelligence spectrum they fall. As an pedagogue, you want to acquire the best out of each of your pupils. Understanding Gardner ‘s theory will help any instructor who is willing to alter their ways for the benefit of the pupil. I believe his theory is really applicable to Physical Educators and will seek to integrate different elements of the theory into my category so my pupils can stand out in their sphere. I will present visuals into my schoolroom, utilizing video cartridge holders as presentations for invasion games and dance public presentations. I will utilize music in dance and gymnastic exercises to assist pupils maintain beat and express themselves through motion. Team/group work will be encouraged to better interpersonal accomplishments during a assortment of physical and mental undertakings. Task cards will be introduced to provide for those whose strengths lie in the lingual sphere. I will reflect systematically on my lessons, cheque has pupil larning improved and from here develop new attacks that may help the pupils larning farther. Due to the restrictions of the essay size, I have non been able to discourse all the plausible factors that influence the rubric. I did, nevertheless, choose the three factors that I believe have the greatest influence ; self-esteem, multiple intelligences and non-verbal communicating. I provided a elaborate treatment whilst doing mention to the PE environment. In decision, communicating, larning and relationships interlink and accumulate to supply a positive acquisition environment for both the instructor and the pupil. A hiccough in the concatenation can ensue in maximum larning non being attained. Teachers must endeavor to better and retain the positive flow that occurs when the chief factors interlink at the right balance as this is when pupil acquisition is at its greatest. By invariably taking towards a end like this, instructors can stay motivated within their profession and protract their passion for learning.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Labor Market Trends

Most of the economic analysts argue that trend of the labor market can be characterized as a dynamic one, meaning on a constant change, and its dynamism can be attributed to the changing economic performance of the market and some other factors that imposes an effect to the labor market. During the time when the economy is in good or bad condition, the behavior of the labor market is very different on every scenario. By understanding the trend of the labor force would mean, for the policy makers, having the capacity of predict the level and skills of the labor force that will be available in the economy and on how they will utilize its number to attain the societal goal as a whole. An economy having a surplus or a deficit of laborers would certainly bring costs and benefits. This is the reason why the labor market trends should be monitored form time to time. Factors affecting the labor market pattern should also be considered. Technology, government policy and the like must also be included into attention for it imposes either direct and/or indirect effects to the labor market trends. In the technological world that we are now living, it is ordinary for the economy to demand for new skills, job opportunities and new line of labor in order to suffice the need of the modern kind of living. With the complexity of the economy as time goes by, the policy makers has to monitor the demand and supply of low skilled and high skilled workers to protect the welfare of the majority while maximizing the profitability of the economy as a whole. As for the companies that plan to hire workers, it is necessary for them to understand the trend in the labor market for them to determine the level of education the available worker has and to set their standards based from the given information (Marcotte, 1991). This paper aims to discuss the current labor trend such as the trends for new jobs and its relationship to career development by relating an article about labor market trend to the existing one. Labor Market Trend Employment rate, wage rate, growth rate of the industries and the required level of education for an individual to have a work are just a few of the factors that should be considered in identifying the current trend in the labor market. According to the article of Fix, he talked about the reason of the increase in the demand for the laborers in the late 1990’s due to the sustainable growth in the US and globalization in the economy that even the low skilled workers and single mothers are hired to suffice the demand for the laborers. With this we can see that economic forces affect the trend in the labor market. The higher the investments in economy, the greater the number of possible job opportunity for that certain employment line. One example to this is the current high demand of the nurses in many parts of the world, because of this; most of the undergraduate students tend to study nursing in order to have a better career, get a better salary and so forth. It is understood that if a certain job line is in demand, there would be always a high wage rate, lot of benefits and â€Å"nice† employment terms and agreement. This is what has been the behavior of the students when choosing their undergraduate courses (Amirault, 1990). Government policies also play a vital role in affecting the trend in the labor market. Those job lines that have greater benefits compared to the others as mandated by the law would surely gain higher demand from the laborers (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). The government must also monitor their minimum wage rate to prevent their workers to migrate abroad. Migration of the skilled workers would greatly affect the economic performance of the country for it makes the country to have fewer workers in performing various economic roles. Wage rate must be set in balance in order to attract the workers to stay and work in the domestic market (Fix, 2002). The booming of a certain industry would also affect the current trend in the labor market for it attracts laborers to apply into that industry (Fix, 2002). One example into this is the impressive growth of the cellular phone industry in the south-east Asia and because of this, the tendency of the labor pool is to have a vocational course on electronics since there is a great demand for the said line of job. Cellular phone technicians also became in demand in the economy. Effects of the Globalization to Labor Market Trend Globalization has already been attributed to various negative effects that developed countries now experiencing. One of the main arguments of the analysts is that under globalization, multinational corporations are exporting laborers from the developed to developing countries through the aid of the â€Å"foreign direct investments† (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). When a certain corporation made its investment abroad, it brings with them some of the top skilled workers to supervise the operation of the new company branch in another country. In this case, all the skills of the imported laborers will benefit the country where the capitals are invested. And not only that, the host country could also benefit from the additional job opportunity that the company will offer to the labor market. Under the trade liberalization, the government is giving the consumers pieces of advice to prefer more the goods produced from abroad than with the locally produced one (International-Labour-Organization, 2000). With this, the local industry will find it hard to compete with the imported goods in terms of price and quality, therefore, harming the laborer since there is a possibility for them to be laid off to cut production costs on the part of the local industry. The increasing use of machineries and other advanced technological process to speed up the production made some laborers to loose their jobs since company owners prefer the most the machineries over the human labor for the former is more effective and efficient in working. Industries became more and more independent to technology in making their products produce faster and of great volume according to the International Labour Organization. It is therefore crucial for the government to regulate and protect the welfare of those laborers that might get harmed by their actions. Conclusion Based from the above statements and facts, we can clearly see that economic growth imposes negative effects to the trend in the labor market. The importation of the skilled workers leaves the importing country with less competitive laborers while letting the other countries to gain the benefits that are supposedly for the economy of the host country; and the preference of the imported goods than with the locally produced, harms not only the industry but also the laborers, for they could suffer from a decrease in their salary, or worse, loss their jobs. The behavior of the students in choosing a course also affects the future trend in the labor market. The number of demands for every job line serves as an attraction to the students. This would later on makes the supply of laborers on other job lines to turn down. The imbalance in the supply of the laborers in the economy could cause market turmoil and this should be prevented by the government to happen. The wage rate of the laborers especially the â€Å"low profiled† one must be monitored and evaluated often to ensure the welfare of those who are in need. As we all know, they compose the majority of the number of available workers in the market and by protecting their welfare would mean preserving the good working relationship of the workers and the market. Today labor unions play and have power to fight for the stake of the laborers in the economy and having trouble with them can greatly affect the economic performance of the country. A day mass demonstrations and strikes of the laborers could cause the loss of millions of dollars in terms of production of nay industry. The importance of understanding the trend in the labor market would really help every sector in the economy. REFERENCES Amirault, T. A. (1990). Labor market trends for new college graduates [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from Fix, D. S. N. a. M. (2002). Economic and Labor Market Trends [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007. International-Labour-Organization. (2000). Labour Market Trends and Globalization's Impact on Them [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from Marcotte, D. E. (1991). Learning in the Labor Market: The Changing Importance of Education and Training After â€Å"Formal† Schooling Ends [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 15, 2007 from ; ;

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Postoperative CABG depression Essay

1. Why did Japan Airlines Development Company decide to develop a hotel company in the mid-1980s? It was developed to strengthen the company’s marketing and financial position. JAL is known for its aggressive global marketing and application of new technology in hotel operations, the company is determined to establish a worldwide network of hotels comparable in number to Hilton, Sheraton, and inter-Continental. 2. Why did Nikko Hotels International choose the Essex House in New York City as its first property in the United States? The chose the Essex hotel to be the first hotel Nikko to be a springboard for Nikko’s future growth. Nikko’s executives believed that if they could do well with the Essex house in the competitive NY market, then they would do well in other markets within the United States. 3. Can you describe the cultural diversity of the management team at the Essex House? When Nikko took over the Essex house they invited all of the on site Marriott managers and staff to stay with the new company, since they were being replaced by Nikko to manage the Essex. Six managers decided to stay and they were all a very culturally diverse group. A Austrian, Irish, Lebanese, Japanese, and a manager from North America. This group of executive managers represented a highly diverse cultural group. 4. What was the purpose of the executive retreat? The purpose of the retreat was to create a Nikko mission statement 5. When did Miura join the managers at the executive retreat? The retreat was held in May 1981 in Ithaca in upstate New York. Miura who was the president of the company, showed up at the retreat after the group sessions and attended the presentations and started to comment on them. 6. How did he annoy the non-Japanese managers during their presentations? Miura annoyed the non Japanese executives, because they felt that his comments were not allowing them to contribute to their mission statement. They felt as though he was testing them and already had a mission statement and was wasting their time. 7. Why was Miura shocked to hear complaints from his managers? What did he do after he regained control of himself? Miura was shocked to hear the sharp criticisms because he felt that the executive managers were his subordinates. He didn’t understand why everyone was so upset with his comments. 8. What happened the next day? The next day, Miura tried to start over and began his speech to the executive team in a frank and all humble manner. He spoke about the global strategic development by JAL, and explained why the Nikko company had come to the united states. He shared with this team his 27 years of experience with JAL, and appealed to the group for cooperation. After his speech, he joined the team as a working participant to develop the Nikko mission statement. 9. What is the mission statement for Nikko Hotels? Dedicated employees, attentive service, quality facilities, together in harmony 10. Can you explain what cultural blunder Miura committed during the executive retreat and how he ridged the cultural gap and brought the team together? Miura committed a cultural blunder when first speaking at the retreat. The group had not known much about this man and his culture. He gave critical feedback to his subordinates during the presentation. Instead of talking to the team and sharing his background, he spoke down to them and did not originally share about himself. The best thing that he did was go home and do his â€Å"homework† so that he could better learn how to communicate with this group of culturally diverse people. He came back the next day with a better outlook and attitude and treated the group as a team and worked together instead working away from one another. Comments: If cultural diversity can be managed effectively, there is potential to use diverse workforce if it will benefits the organization. I think that multiculturalism can be directly linked to the success of the organization.It helps to promote minority friendly reputation among potential employeesVarious cultural societies help customers to achieve that with a variety of people.The ability to manage cultural diversity increases adaptability and flexibility of an organization to environmental changes. Whatever the country of origin of the guest at Hotel Nikko, it sounds as though with the diverse group of employees that have kept, that there is a good chance that staff will be able to speak their native language and understand what may cause offense. In my opinion, language capability is a tool that helps attract new business as well as service customers once they have arrived. I found it very interesting the way that Miura was perceived at the retreat. Being a nurse, I see this type of cultural â€Å"blunder†, a lot when working with patients and their families. You really have to be culturally sensitive when working with people of other cultures. Many mannerisms can be taken the wrong way if you are not familiar with other cultures and their personalities. I think that Miura meant well, but of course because of his culture he was unable to communicate effectively to his employees. They didn’t feel that he was on their side working with them at first. I really admire that Miura went back to his hotel and thought about what he would say to the people at the retreat the following day. I  really like that he decided to share his history and where he came from and where his vision is. I think that is so important when first meeting with people, especially a boss. I recently had a manager for our unit that never did share anything about herself. She was bold, aggressive and didn’t always communicate effectively. We grew to dislike her, and knew nothing about her which gave us no appreciation or understanding of where she was coming from sometimes. After working with her for 4 years, she decided to leave and seek another job at a different hospital. It was then, in her goodbye email that she unloaded and shared with us her life. Me and my other coworkers then began to have a little understanding and perspective on why she would do the things that she did and why she had such a un approachable demeanor. If only she had shared with us over the years, our unit may have run a lot more effectively. I like that Nikko hotels are so culturally diverse with their employees. Its multicultural work force is helping achieve great respect and popularity by creating an international environment within the hotel which makes guests from around the world feel at home.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Aristotle and Meteorology Essay

Introduction: Aristotle wrote about many subjects that can be grouped into five general divisions: logic, physical works, psychological works, natural history works, and philosophical works. One of the little known physical works concerned meteorology. Aristotle’s views on meteorology are fascinating, but many of the views were not accurate. This paper compares only a few of his views to actual meteorological facts. I. Biography A. Birth and growth B. Influence on writings II. Basis of Aristotle’s meteorology A. Elements and theory B. Science and facts III. Water vapor and precipitation A. Aristotle’s view B. Science and fact. IV. Winds A. Aristotle’s view B. Science and fact Conclusion: Aristotle explained the various meteorological phenomenon in simplistic terms. The explanations match his theory of how matter and shape were interrelated. Aristotle’s ideas on water vapor and precipitation were somewhat accurate, considering that there were no tools to measure the atmosphere in his time. His views on wind, however, were not accurate at all. He wrote extensively on winds, but never fully comprehended how wind occurred. September 5, 2000 Aristotle on Meteorology Aristotle was born in 384 BC, at Stagirus, a Greek colony on the Aegean Sea near Macedonia. In 367 BC, Aristotle entered the Academy at Athens and studied under Plato, attending his lectures for a period of twenty years. In the later years of his association with Plato and the Academy, he began to lecture on his own account, especially on the subject of rhetoric. When Plato died in 347, Aristotle and another of Plato’s students, Xenocrates, left Athens for Assus, and set up an academy (Encyclopedia 2). In 342, Aristotle returned to Macedonia and became the tutor to a very young Alexander the Great. He did this for the next five to seven years. Both Philip and Alexander appear to have paid Aristotle high honor. There are stories that indicate the Macedonian court supplied Aristotle with funds for teaching, and with slaves to collect specimens for his studies in natural science (Encyclopedia 4). Aristotle returned to Athens when Alexander the Great began his conquests. He found the Platonic school flourishing under Xenocrates, and Platonism the dominant philosophy of Athens (Encyclopedia 5). Aristotle thus set up his own school at a place called the Lyceum. When teaching at the Lyceum, Aristotle had a habit of walking about as he discoursed. It was because of this that his followers became known in later years as the peripatetics, meaning, â€Å"to walk about† (Shakian 126). For the next thirteen years, he devoted his energies to his teaching and composing his philosophical treatises. His institution integrated extensive equipment, including maps and the largest library collection in Europe. He is said to have given two kinds of lectures: the more detailed discussions in the morning for an inner circle of advanced students, and the popular discourses in the evening for the general body of lovers of knowledge. At the sudden death of Alexander in 323 BC, the pro-Macedonian government in Athens was overthrown, and a general reaction occurred against anything Macedonian. A charge of impiety was trumped up against Aristotle. To escape prosecution he fled to Chalcis in Euboea so that (Aristotle says) â€Å"The Athenians might not have another opportunity of sinning against philosophy as they had already done in the person of Socrates† (Encyclopedia 5). In the first year of his residence at Chalcis he complained of a stomach illness and died in 322 BC (Encyclopedia 7). One of Aristotle’s writings is about meteorology. His theories are based on his belief that all objects in the world are composed of form and matter and the world is arranged according to the relative standing each object occupies in the universe (Shakian 127). This basis led to his theory that any motion was from the center or to the center (Encyclopedia 28). Aristotle saw the universe as a scale lying between the two extremes: form without matter on one end, and matter without form on the other end. Additionally, he believed all matter is made of four bodies: fire, air, water, and earth (Encyclopedia 29). With this information as a basis, it is no wonder that any remaining theories would probably be incorrect. Scientific fact cannot disprove that all objects are of form and matter. Any one can agree or disagree with that philosophy. However, scientific fact does show that movement can occur in directions away from the center or toward the center. For example, solar radiation from the sun does not travel in direct lines to or from a center. Some of the radiation scatters into space. Some is reflects from the earth’s surface and is lost into space (Lutgens 37-43). Air molecules do not move toward or away from a center. Air particles move in an infinite number of directions due to molecule size, shape, weight and composition. Finally, Aristotle’s theory that matter is made of four bodies is dramatically short sighted. Air is a mixture of at least nine different components and is constantly changing in composition. Nitrogen and oxygen make up nearly 99% of the volume of dry air. Of all the components of air, carbon dioxide is the most interest to meteorologists (Lutgens 5). In all fairness, Aristotle had no way to measure or determine the exact components of the atmosphere. In book 1, part 3 of Aristotle’s meteorology, Aristotle describes his explanation of water vapor. His explanation describes the area between the surface of the earth and the visible portion of the Milky Way. It is important to note that he views the Milky Way as a plane or upper level surface (Aristotle, â€Å"Meteorology† 253). Aristotle is very close to a scientific answer when he deduced â€Å"that what immediately surrounds the earth is not mere air, but a sort of vapour, and that its vaporous nature is the reason why it condenses back to water again† (Aristotle, â€Å"Meteorology† 253). His logic is interesting when he indicates that this expanse of a body cannot be fire â€Å"for then all the rest would have dried up† (Aristotle â€Å"Meteorology† 254). In part 9, Aristotle addressed the issue of precipitation. He explained that air condensing into water becomes a cloud. Mist is what remains when a cloud condenses into water. He further explained that when water falls in small drops, it is drizzle, and when the drops are larger, it is called rain (Aristotle â€Å"Meteorology† 267). This is one area where Aristotle was close to accurate. One flaw is his view of the Milky Way as a flat plane. Science has shown that the Milky Way is just one of an infinite number of star galaxies. Aristotle realized water vapor existed. He also realized that the area between the earth and the heavens was not fire. What Aristotle deduced as water vapor is scientifically referred to as a parcel of air. As the air parcel rises, it cools and may condense to form a cloud (Lutgens 81). Aristotle believed the remains of water vapor that did not form a cloud was mist. Actually, what remains is just other air parcels. The energy used to condense the air molecule is released as latent heat creating a cycle of rising and sinking air molecules (Lutgens 82-83). Aristotle provided names for the size of water droplets. It is possible that Aristotle coined the names drizzle and rain. Scientifically, drizzle is defined as small droplets of less than . 5 mm. Rain is defined as droplets of . 5 mm to 5 mm (Lutgens 131). Aristotle dedicated several chapters to the theory of winds. Without scientific measurements, the cause or theory of wind was difficult to determine or explain. Aristotle compared wind to a flowing river in book 1 (Aristotle â€Å"Meteorology† 348). Unfortunately, Aristotle could not discern why the river of wind never dried up. Therefore, he abandoned that theory and analogy of wind and simply tried to explain rivers instead. In book two, he dedicated three more chapters to wind. Aristotle used his theory of water vapor and direct observation of something he called smoke to describe the occurrence of wind. He related the rising water vapor and the heat of the sun. This combination created wind. Rain contributed to wind development by causing calm winds after a rain (Encyclopedia 191). Wind must have been a difficult subject for Aristotle to explain, considering how much was written about the subject. The facts indicate he was close to an answer but never fully understood the concept of wind. The definition of wind is the result of horizontal differences in air pressure. Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of lower pressure. It is nature’s method to balance inequalities of pressure. Unequal heating of the earth’s surface generates the pressure differences. Therefore, solar radiation is the ultimate driving force of wind (Lutgens 149). The effects Aristotle explained were often the results of the pressure changes. He realized the sun had some influence. The clam wind after a rain is an occurrence with strong thunderstorms that leave a micro scale high-pressure dome in their wake (Lutgens 153). Aristotle explained the various meteorological phenomenon in simplistic terms. The explanations match his theory of how matter and shape were interrelated. Aristotle’s ideas on water vapor and precipitation were somewhat accurate, considering there were no tools to measure the atmosphere in his time. His views on wind, however, were not accurate at all. He wrote extensively on winds but never fully comprehended how wind occurred Works Cited Aristotle. Great Books of the Western World. Volume 1. Chicago: Robert P. Gwinn, 1990. Aristotle. â€Å"Meteorology† 113 – 438. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Internet Address: http://classics. mit. edu/Aristotle/meteorology. 1. i. html. Translated by E. W. Webster. 27 Aug. 2000. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1-321. University of Tennessee at Martin. Internet Address: http://www. utm. edu/research/iep/a/aristotl. htm. 24 Aug. 2000. Lutgens, Frederick K. and Edward J. Tarbuck. The Atmosphere. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992. Sahakian, William S. and Mabel Lewis Sahakian. Ideas of the Great Philosophers. New York: Barnes & Noble Inc. , 1970.